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Benefits of Work Experience
For the Employer

1. You could be someone’s lucky break

Young people are looking for a chance to shine in a very tough environment. By offering a work placement you’ll give a student an experience that could dramatically improve their career prospects.

2. There are lots of things students can do

There are many different tasks to fill a student’s time productively so that they acquire skills they’ll return to for years to come. This could be critiquing a team meeting, conducting a customer survey or getting stuck into a mini-project.

3. It’s an opportunity to learn…

Make the most of having a young person with you. What can you learn from them? You might find that a student can help your business with an insight into young people’s buying habits, or social networking, or helping your staff get more out of the technology available to them.

4… and pass on your experience

You have a collection of valuable first-hand experiences, about work, business, life… Who better to tutor the next generation than you? This form of mentoring can be immensely satisfying.

5. You might spot a potential star

There aren’t many better ways to find your latest recruit or a future apprentice than to have a good look at them in the workplace for a few days.

6. Building a positive profile for your business

Developing relationships with schools and becoming active in the community helps build a positive image for your business and can raise its profile in the local area.

Adapted from Barclays Likeskills Programme